Sapphire Ballroom
Sapphire Ballroom News - December 2019

SeptemberWe hope you will make many happy memories this holiday season, finding joy in family and friends, catching up and trying something new, keeping warm and chilling out, reminiscing and making plans for 2020. We also hope that several of those memories (and future plans) involve gliding, bouncing, and spinning across the dance floor with friends.

In this issue of SBN, you’ll find some thoughts on sharing joy through dance, how to give the joy of dance to everyone on your list, and some joyful tunes that don't need to be holiday related to be awesome. If you want, you can skip to the bottom for our ever-changing list parties, classes, and other events for you to enjoy. Many of these events are the last of their kind for this year, but at the very end is a quick list of when things get back in the groove for 2020.

The Joy of Sharing - Giving the gift of dance is more than another box under the tree
The joy of giving a great gift and getting a good deal
A joyful dance mix to enjoy any time of year

Skip to the list of upcoming classes, workshops, and parties for this month.

The Joy of Sharing - Giving the gift of dance is more than just another box under the tree

Gift of DanceFor many people, watching a performance of The Nutcracker ballet, the Radio City Rockettes Holiday Spectacular, or even an ancient VHS recording of the Hollywood classic White Christmas signals the start of the holiday season. (Did you know there’s a fun dance scene in It’s a Wonderful Life?

In fact, dancing can be found in the holiday traditions of many cultures. It’s relatable and it brings people together across language and other barriers with its ability to convey all kinds of emotions, especially joy and empathy. This powerful element of emotional connection is what makes dancing such a gift to both dancers and their audience.

GiftA Gift for yourself

As a dancer, making time during this busy season to take a class, attend a performance, or join a dance party can be a great way to decompress from the holiday stress. It’s a fun, creative outlet that engages your mind where glitter, sugar, and hosting duties are totally optional! These low-pressure social situations can be a much-needed opportunity to visit with people who share your interests (rather than just your genes) and to dance off those extra treats that were too good to resist at the last holiday event.

GiftA Gift you can share

In sharing a dance, you can share a gift with your partner. You didn’t know how generous you were being by rotating at the last group lesson, did you? Seriously though, we’ve all had a tough time learning a new step or a technique. Sometimes all a person needs is an encouraging partner to commiserate over or to help get through a difficult spot to brighten a bad day. Maybe you already know the joy of conquering an intimidating move or completing a whole dance that flowed beautifully – what an exciting and memorable gift to share!

GiftA Gift for others

We all have at least one friend or family member who’s said “I’ve always wanted to try dance, but…” Perhaps you and your significant other have been looking for a fun activity to shake up your date-night routine. Or maybe you’re looking for a unique way to recognize the great contributions your employees have made to the company this year. If you’re celebrating the holidays with a gift exchange but having trouble thinking of what to give, consider giving the gift of dance lessons.

Lessons of different sorts make a great present for everybody, no matter where they are in life or what their strengths are. Dance Lessons in particular, are great for those who need to be pulled out of their shells a bit, who crave social contact but aren’t sure where to find it, who thrive on the creative process, and who just need to get moving during dreary winter months. A gift of dance lessons, or a dance party or two, is an easy way to encourage the people you know to join the fun - maybe for the whole year!

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The joy of giving a great gift and getting a good deal

Gift deals good enough to make you swoonHere’s another why the Gift of Dance is such a great idea: most of our gift packages are on sale! In what is becoming a tradition, we are having a sale this December. I’m sure you've heard that shoes are on sale, well gift packages are too! The Sweet Shoe Sale ends December 15th, but Gift Packages will be on sale for a while longer.

Sapphire Gift Packages are bundles of lessons and events that have been thoughtfully put together to give your sweetheart a great dance experience. We try to keep our prices down every day, so sales only happen about once a year. Don't miss the chance to jump on this opportunity! If not as a gift for someone else, like your office buddies, then maybe you should give the gift to yourself. You're worth it.

If the packages are not exactly what you are looking for, create a gift with just what you want in it using the A La Carte options. Or, if you are unsure what your friends would like, you can always get “Dance Dollars” that they can use toward anything that we offer... group classes, private lessons, social dances, even dance shoes and merchandise (like wine glasses and water bottles).

WaterbottlesTake a look at all we have to offer and get in touch! We would love to prepare for you the perfect gift for all those special people in your life.

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Joyful dance mix to enjoy any time of year
Contributed by Debbi

I have a confession to make. I get really tired of Christmas Music. Soooooo - not gonna do it. Really, it’s already been done... a lot:

Instead, I’m going to focus on the other theme of this newsletter: Joy. Whether you are already bouncing off the walls, filled with holiday spirit and want some music that reflects your natural high, or you are in need of a little uplifting on a gloomy winter day, this list will deliver. I’ll warn you, this list is a bit Swing heavy - it’s just such a happy dance


Pharrell Williams - Happy - Single Time Swing

The quintessential happy song, this tune will get you bouncing whether you want to or not. It’s a great mid-speed Single Time Swing, which means you could also Triple Time (if you’re really ambitious) or Quickstep. But I think Single Time is really the best option. Does anyone else think Pherrell was just trying to reboot “If You’re Happy and You Know It” : “Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth.”

Joy To The World

Three Dog Night - Joy to the World - Triple Time Swing

This is possibly my favorite song on this list. I grew up listening to Jeremiah was a Bullfrog, and could sing along well before I knew what Swing was. But it’s as great for dancing as it is for listening. So get Swinging and while you’re at it, go ahead and belt out the chorus. I bet someone near you will start singing along!

Here Comes The Sun

The Beatles - Here Comes The Sun - Rumba

And we’re slowing it down a little with a Rumba. This song actually started playing in the cafe where I’m writing this (Tillarman’s in the CRC) as I was wondering what song to include next. It’s fast for a Rumba, but not hard. Give it a go and I bet you come out smiling.

Can't Stop The Felling

Justin Timberlake - Can't Stop The Feeling! - Hustle or West Coast Swing

This groovy song delivers both the peppy hustle drive and the upbeat westie vibe, depending on which part you’re listening to. Both styles fit beautifully, so you might just have to play this tune twice and dance a medium-slow Hustle one time, and medium-fast West Coast the next. Or drive your partner crazy by switching mid song. Yeah, that’s a good idea: irritate your partner. (No really - don’t.)


Singing In The Rain

Gene Kelly - Singing in the Rain - Fox Trot

As they say “Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain.” (Vivian Greene) Which dance you might ask? I recommend a Fox Trot, or if you’re not tired of swing styles yet, a Lindy Hop would do nicely. Just leave the rain outside, ok?

Don't Worry

Bobby McFerrin - Don't Worry Be Happy - Fox Trot

Not your typical sound for a Fox Trot, this song is as happily breezy as a summer day. Just what we all need in the middle of winter. And, yes, the reggae feel is an odd pairing with the Fox Trot saunter. But try it and you will see that it is truly delightful.

Might As Well Dance

Jason Mraz - Might As Well Dance - Cha Cha

This song was hard for me to pin down at first, but oh boy, I knew it made me feel like dancing. I finally decided it’s a lovely, mellow Cha Cha. Mellow is not usually a word I use for Cha Cha’s, but this song makes it work. And the message is clear: “We’re already fools; we might as well dance.”


Jonas Brothers - Cool - West Coast Swing

One of their recent releases, I fell for this song when I first watched the video, which displays a serious commitment to silliness. The lyrics, at face value, are all about being happy with their lives, but the video adds a bit of humorous self-awareness that makes that satisfied feeling into something both amusing and relatable. It’s also incredibly fun to dance West Coast Swing to.

There’s more that could be mentioned, like Meghan Trainor’s Better When I’m Dancin’ or Walking on Sunshine by Katrina and The Waves, but I think it’s time to quit. What songs do you think should have made on my list? What would you like to see in next month’s playlist? Let me know, I would love to hear from you on Facebook or by email.

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Calendar Graphic

Coming Events:

Events are hosted at the Sapphire Studio on Main Street in Christiansburg unless otherwise specified.

Gifts Sweet Shoe & Gift Sale (See above!) - December 1-15, 2019
All merchandise and select Gift Packages will be 20% off. Make plans to come check out our selection of yummy shoes, handy shoe bags, and enticing gift packages, and treat yourself or someone you love to that delectable “Can't Stop the Feeling” feeling.


Friday Night Beginner Workshop - Friday, 12/06, 7:00pm
Learn the basics of some of our most popular dances without any commitment. No previous experience needed. Singles welcome.
A parade and holidays are messing with our schedule this month, but the dancing is gonna be great when it happens. January will bring a much more consistent schedule - just in time to help you fill those resolutions.

Upper Level

Christmas Market Flashmob - There’s still time to learn and join in! - Sunday, 12/08, noon, and Monday, 12/09, 7:00pm
Last two chances to learn the choreography before the final rehearsal on Dec 12. Please join in - it will be lots of fun!
Prerequisite: None!

Upper Level

Paso Doblé Workshop: Kicking It Up - Monday, 12/09, 8:00pm
Join us in adding some flirty flair to the steady staccato of the basic patterns we’ve been building over the last several workshops with a variety of kicks.
Prerequisite: Level 1 Paso Doblé or previous Paso workshop

Upper Level

Christmas Market Flashmob Final Practice - Thursday, 12/12, 7:00pm
Sapphire is joining forces with the Town of Christiansburg and the Christiansburg Christmas Market to put on a Flashmob before the Christmas Parade on Dec. 13. You should join in! No previous dance experience required (but having attended one of the prior flashmob workshops would be helpful).

Upper Level

Christmas Market Flashmob Performance, Friday, 12/13, 6:30pm
Come help us show the community how much fun dancing can be! We’ll be performing at the Market before the Christiansburg Christmas Parade. Take video or pictures and post them to our facebook page, and we will love you forever. :)
Prerequisite: Some previous Flashmob Practices

Dance Party

Peppermint Ball Dance Party - Saturday, 12/14, 7:30pm
He sees you when you’re dancing, he knows when you sit down, he knows if you lead or follow, so you better get dancing for goodness sake! We're focusing on a light-hearted, fun-filled dance - Single Time Swing - as our introductory lesson for this sweet theme.

Upper Level

Studio Work Night - Monday, 12/16, 7:00-9:00pm
Our dance space needs sprucing up. Want to spend the evening with friends, eat pizza, and get some free stuff in exchange for touching up paint and doing minor repairs? Then put on your work clothes and come on over. Talk to Debbi or Chloe for details. There will probably be dancing at some point - how can we not?


Friday Night Beginner Workshop - Friday, 12/20, 7:00pm
Come out for the last workshop of the year! Learn the basics of some of our most popular dances without any commitment. No previous experience needed. Singles always welcome. Workshops will start back up in January - just in time to help you fill those resolutions.

Most of the Sapphire staff will be taking a holiday break from December 23rd to January 2nd. However, we will be accepting reservations for a few private or semi-private lessons during this timeframe. Please speak with one of the instructors if you are interested in claiming one of these slots. We’ll be ready to jump and jive our way back into the New Year starting in January:


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Thanks for reading; we hope you found something you liked. Until we see you again, happy dancing!

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Sapphire Ballroom & Dance Center

30 W Main Street, Suite C, Christiansburg, VA  24073 - 540-382-8782